
Showing posts from October, 2023
 October 10, 2023 It's been over a year since I posted. Shortly after the last post you texted me that you were going to go no contact for a year. August 24, 2022.  I knew it would be more.....I knew it could be forever. We have a total of almost seven years apart.  I continue to grow in ways I never dreamed. I have you to thank for that. Peeling back the layers of the onion and dealing with them one by one. I used to pray for a day I didn't cry. Now I string months together and don't let the grief consume me. Then there are the days, like this one, that I let the tears flow. I don't give myself permission to cry for the whole day I give myself a couple of hours to just cry.  We are moving on with our life.We are learing to live without you.   Sometimes my mind gets off its leash and I dream about the the things we could do together to heal. Books I would love for us both to go through. I just finished, What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma Resilen