The decision to Write Or not to Write

 I am going to take this day by day. It's hard to share and put yourself out there when you don't even know if it matters to someone. Maybe I should look as somewhat of a journal of thoughts...that someone just happens to be able to access. And then just share when I want....when it feels right. 

I continue in therapy though it is no longer weekly. I am in a much better place and have built a tremendous amount of emotional resiliency. We have habits that build that.  We have our daily habits that help us stay centered and grounded.

  •  Therapy every night with the Podcasts or from the SelfHealers Course work I am in...will always have something. This gets harder when we don't sit down for dinner at night. It's only 15 minutes so we keep it attainable.
  • Daily Gratitude's- before we go to bed we share 3 things each we are grateful for in the day
  • Gratitude Quote - I cut up little slips of paper that have a gratitude quote and read one every night
  • Book of Awakening - we read the affirmation every night - those are incredible 
  • Mediation - After I work out every day I do a meditation for 10-15 minutes; every night before bed we do it together
  • Grounding - Practice grounding throughout the day - stopping for seconds to hear the birds, feel where you are. 

Today in my lesson Nicole talked about how she lived with family members who were overwhelmed by their experiences were unable to to be emotional attuned to their child's emotional needs and to help her be attuned to her needs.  That resonates with me in a big way. I was so strong in some ways but in this way I also failed you and your brother. I will say it again and again...I am sorry and I so wish I would have had these tools. It is past the time for me to teach you but I have such confidence in you as a person to learn and teach yourself. I hope I did pass down some strength that you can tap into. 

Wishing you well and knowing we live under the same sun that makes it so stinkin hot. Stay cool!


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